EPD Router

WISE-3200 series contain Qualcomm ARM platform which is designed for all kinds of IoT applications that leverages wireless EPD technologies.

  • EPR-210

    NFC writer and reader for EPD-210, 2.9" ePaper with black and white colors. EPR-210 can operate under extreme environment temperature, and it supports data transmissions via NFC as a flexible fastener that can be easily customized for various applications.

  • WISE-3220

    Wireless EPD-660&662 Wi-Fi router for access point and deployment tool.

  • WISE-3240

    For EPD-230 and EPD-332, we select 2.4GHz Wi-Fi or Ethernet in up-link and zigbee in down-link via WISE-1840.

  • WISE-3270

    For EPD-137 and EPD-327, we have 4G/LTE in up-link to access cloud server

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