Cloud Services

As a strategic industrial partner of Microsoft, Advantech integrates Microsoft’s direct support to provide our partners with headache-free services.

  • Azure Open AI

    Azure OpenAI, part of Microsoft's Azure cloud, easily integrates with other Azure offerings like Cognitive Services and Machine Learning. It's versatile, used in automating docs, understanding natural language, and powering virtual assistants.

  • Microsoft Azure

    Advantech is partnering with Microsoft ® Azure as the IaaS and also PaaS solution provider through the Microsoft CSP (Cloud Solution Provider) Program in order to offer diverse functions for IoT applications. Through the CSP program, Advantech provides total solutions, from devices to cloud services. Advantech and Microsoft Azure help customers build new-generation products and services for the IoT era.
    Microsoft Azure is a growing collection of integrated cloud services that allows you to quickly deploy infrastructures and services to meet all of your business needs. Azure’s pay-as-you-go services can quickly scale up or down to match demand, so you only pay for what you use. The predictive analytics services, including Machine Learning, Cortana Analytics and Stream Analytics, are redefining business intelligence. Make smarter decisions, improve customer service, and uncover new business possibilities from your structured, unstructured, and streaming IoT data.

  • Microsoft Azure Defender For IoT

    Azure Defender for IoT offers agentless, network-layer security that is rapidly deployed, works with diverse industrial equipment, interoperates with Azure Sentinel and other SOC tools. Discover all your IoT/OT devices promptly without impacting factory procduction running and prevent from threats.

  • 研华Azure云智慧能源管理解决方案


  • 研华iFactory智慧工厂Azure云解决方案

    Advantech提供了WISE Factory数据驱动的智能工厂运营中心,通过Azure IoT Hub平台,使得DFSP(Domain-Focused Solution Partners行业专精的解决方案合作伙伴)轻松访问所有特色工业应用,进行模块化展开及部署,并能弹性扩张,以便用户可以与Advantech协作并开发完整的工业解决方案

  • 研华WISE-DeviceOn Azure云边缘计算平台

    WISE-DeviceOn提供高度软硬件集成的设备管理解决方案,并建立全面的物联网解决方案生态系统,涵盖从传感器,边缘设备到Azure的不同设备层。使用 WISE-DeviceOn 是管理设备的最佳体验,即使设备位于不同的区域。

  • 研华行业设备联网Azure云解决方案

    研华的设备联网解决方案与Azure IoT hub联合,做到设备的综合管理,协助企业的数字化转移升级

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